How Patients Can Help Prevent Postoperative Complications

The post-surgical period is one of the most sensitive treatment periods for a patient. A post-surgical patient may have wounds, low blood levels, poor appetite, weak immunity, and other issues that make them susceptible to infections. That's why it's important for everybody involved in the patient's care, such as nurses, physicians, nursing aides, and the patient to be on the lookout for postoperative complications. Therefore, if you are preparing for hernia surgery with someone like Natural Tissue Hernia Repair Associates, take the following precautions to preempt postoperative complications:

Tell Your Doctor about Your Medical Conditions

Your precautions don't begin after the surgery; you should actually take preventive measures before the surgery. For example, you need to tell your doctors every medical problem you may have because they may influence how susceptible you are to infections. For example, scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) makes it difficult for wounds to heal, and wounds make perfect entry points for germs. Tell your doctor about it will give them a chance to take the necessary precautions to prevent the infection.

Don't Shave the Surgical Area

You may want to be clean and hygienic during your surgery, but this doesn't mean you should take matters into your hands and shave the surgical site. Shaving irritates the skin, leaving microscopic cuts that allow germs to enter your body with ease. If there is any shaving to be done, let your medical team handle it.

Don't Allow Third Parties to Touch Your Wounds

After the surgery, don't let anybody touch your wounds except the medical team looking after you. Your loved ones or family members may be curious about the bandages running across your chest, but their curiosity doesn't give them access to the surgical site. They can easily transfer germs from their contaminated hands to your wound and infect you. You should also clean your hands before touching your dressing.

Make Sure You Understand Your Doctor's Instructions

The risks of postoperative infections don't reduce when you level the hospital; you are still at risk at home until you heal. Therefore, make sure you understand the post-surgical instructions given by your doctor; you can only practice what you know. If in doubt, contact your doctor before making a move. For example, you should know when to go back for a checkup, remove your bandages, start eating certain foods or start taking alcohol, among other similar things.

Hopefully, you won't experience any postoperative complications after your hernia surgery. Contact your doctor anytime you feel your recovery isn't progressing normally. 
