
3 Tips For Helping You Adjust For To Using Crutches

Using crutches can be a real adjustment. If you have to use crutches while your leg heals from an injury, here are three tips that will help you get used to wearing and using crutches. #1 Take A Break If you are new to using crutches, do not overdo it. Your upper body, arms and other leg are going to get sore supporting the rest of your body. You don't want to go so hard that you are so sore you can hardly move the next day. Read More 

3 Tips for Managing Your Migraines

Migraines headaches can be downright debilitating. And unfortunately, many times there is no method to their madness; they just show up out of the blue, effectively putting an end to whatever it was you had planned that day. Many migraine sufferers have a difficult time even holding down a job, taking care of their children, or meeting their responsibilities. Here are three tips for managing your migraines. Identify Your Person Triggers Read More 

How To Get In Shape For Your Upcoming Cruise Vacation

Are you lucky enough to be planning a cruise vacation? If so, you may have decided to lose some weight before you leave. Since part of the fun of being on a cruise is getting to eat anything you want at any time of the day, losing some weight is a smart move. Even if you're slim, preparing to lose some pounds might make you feel less guilty while you indulge on the ship. Read More 

How Orthopedic Videos Help Your Patients And Your Practice

Orthopedic surgery is a major consideration for your patients. They should understand the procedure they are about to undergo and its consequences. However, you may not have time to sit with each patient individually and explain every detail and be sure you cover everything they need to know. That's where orthopedic videos become very useful. These are a few ways using videos in your practice helps your patients and you too. Read More 

How Patients Can Help Prevent Postoperative Complications

The post-surgical period is one of the most sensitive treatment periods for a patient. A post-surgical patient may have wounds, low blood levels, poor appetite, weak immunity, and other issues that make them susceptible to infections. That's why it's important for everybody involved in the patient's care, such as nurses, physicians, nursing aides, and the patient to be on the lookout for postoperative complications. Therefore, if you are preparing for hernia surgery with someone like Natural Tissue Hernia Repair Associates, take the following precautions to preempt postoperative complications: Read More